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Marion County NFL FLAG

NFL Flag Official League

Parents/Coaches, please go through all of the points below so you know what to expect on gameday this Saturday. You can refer to the diagram of Jervey Gantt Park included in this email to help you make more sense of everything:

1) Admission Price:

$4 Adults
$1 Students
Ages 3 & Under is Free
Players, Coaches, Team Moms are Free. We will have a list of the team Moms at the gate and you must show ID. Coaches must have submitted us your Team Mom Name.

We will accept Cash, Card, Venmo, or CashApp as payment at the gate

2) Gates will open at 8:20 AM

3) You may only enter the football fields from the south side entrance along SE 24th St, which is also where the parking area is. No Entry is allowed the North Side, even for players and coaches.

4) The areas outlined in Orange is the designated warm up areas for your teams. Even if you warm up in the area on the northside of the park, you must walk to the southside entrance. You may not warm up on the game fields as there will be no area warm up under the new 6 field structure.

5) Coaches, you must be at your game field at least 5 minutes prior to your scheduled game time.

6) Note the restricted areas on the Northside of the Football Fields. That area is restricted to anyone not a coach or player.

7) Note the restricted area on the game fields. That area is restricted to EVERYONE.

8) Coaches, you may only be on the game field area if your team is playing.

9) All Teams are sharing sidelines on the fields on the outer areas closest to the fence line/bleachers. No one, except media may be in the area in between Fields 1 & 2 and 4 & 5. 

10) The only Team Moms allowed on the sidelines are for the 6U and 8U Divisions. Team Mom's must be alone on the sideline. They may not have an extra kids with them on the sidelines. Absolutely no strollers on the sideline. All coolers and wagons must be against the fence line away from the sideline.

11) All spectators must stay within the confines of the the red outlined area of the diagram attached. Spectators are not allowed on the game fields or in any of the restricted areas.

12) Coaches, if you don't receive your uniforms this week from Steve Rhem, then go see him in the Field House on the Northwest side of the football fields 45-60 minutes prior to your game. Only 1 representative from each team should come get your team's uniforms.

Marion County NFL FLAG

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